Devotions S2 | Trust
Trusting God can be difficult. But there are moments in life where we push through anyway, and He - faithfully - comes through. How do we process these moments? Do we rejoice? Do we tell others about how God came through for us? Do we take heart and gain strength to trust God again?
In Psalms 21, David pens a reflection on his victory after a battle where he trusted God. In it we learn what the heart of a king who trusts in God looks like. And, how we can take that same heart into any situation where we face opposition for God's sake. Join us as we go deeper...
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ITD Is 1 year old!!!!!
We celebrated our first year of ITD on November 10th! We want to hear from you, our audience, on what your highlights having been so far. Any life-changing moments? Favorite episode? Let us know! We would love to hear.
Tweet us at @itd_ke
Email us on ithinkdifferentke@gmail.com
1 Mic here, more equipment to go....
Here is the rest of the equipment we are trying to get:
1 Rode RODECaster Pro Podcast Production Studio: https://amzn.to/3g1IM3G
3 Shure MV 7: https://bit.ly/shuremv7
2 Audio-Technica ATH-M30x Professional Studio Monitor Headphones: https://amzn.to/3jATUWs
Check out the support the podcast section below for the link to our donation gateway.
Thank You!!!
Thank you ITD fam, you came though BIG!!! We got the microphone!!! The Shure MV7 with our name on it is now home. I decided to unbox it with and for you. Head over to my YouTube Channel and check that out:
Graphics Attribution
Graphics designed by Kevin Kung'u
Photo by Patrick Metzdorf on Unsplash
Support the Podcast
You can support the podcast by using the 'support the show' link below: